Word-request for equivalent of "Anniversary" but for time period of a month

As defined by OED, Anniversary is,

the date on which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous year.

Is their any word in the same context which can be used for addressing the events after one month. For instance, I have to congratulate a friend on his marriage after one month.

P.S. I know that we can always keep it simple and convey the most, but I am just curious to know if there is any word equivalent to 'anniversary' but for the time period of one month.

Solution 1:

I have not found a word for this in the standard dictionaries. However, a common usage is--


MEN-SI-VER-SA-RY (mèn´se-vûr´se-rê) noun 1. The monthly recurring date of a past event, especially one of historical, national, or personal importance: a first date mensiversary; the mensiversary of the founding of Nerstone Pictures. 2. A celebration commemorating such a date. from Latin: mensis, month + versus, past participle of vertere, to turn.

If the word for the commemoration of a yearly event is anniversary, by analogy the logical word for the commemoration of a monthly event should be "mensiversary." "Anniversary" comes from the Latin "annum," meaning year. (The "versary" part comes from a Latin word referring to turning.) The Latin word for month is "mensis."


Solution 2:

Especially when it comes to dating and relationships the term one month anniversary, two month anniversary is frequently used.


It's Ben's and my one month anniversary, so we're going out to a fancy restaurant for dinner.