Postfix not forwarding to .forward address

Solution 1:

It turns out the problem here was GMail not showing e-mails forwarded back to it. Sending an e-mail from other addresses were correctly forwarded. GMail seems to discard the messages that are forwarded back to it.

Solution 2:

For simplicity append `/etc/aliases' with an entry like this will which will duplicate all mail to a user:

jonathan: [email protected]

This is slightly different and will also copy it to the local user's Maildir/box:

jonathan: jonathan, [email protected]

You get the idea. Follow that with newaliases to build a .db version of that file.

AFAIK this is needed in for that method:

alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

If that doesn't work for whatever platform reason then a virtual_alias_domains = entry in, another line in as virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual and a flat file in this format in /etc/postfix will do it:

[email protected] [email protected]

followed by postmap /etc/postfix/virtual should do it.