Single Word for Telling a Narrative that Spans Over a Character's Lifetime

I am looking for the appropriate word for a kind of narrative that covers a large time period in someone's life, or is a summary of their entire life. A desired sentence would be as such:

"That song is written in the style of ____ , so you will know what happens to the character towards the end."

All I can think of is to include the word "life", such as "life narrative" or "life chronicle" but this doesn't seem to capture what I want.

Solution 1:



1 A long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic:
a figure straight out of a Viking saga

2 A long, involved story, account, or series of incidents:
launching into the saga of her engagement

That song is the saga of his life.

Solution 2:

memoir is very close in meaning to biography, but it does include the sense of a biographical sketch covering an event or period, rather than an entire life.



  1. a biography or biographical sketch.