Why does the series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac1n$ not converge?

Can someone give a simple explanation as to why the harmonic series

$$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac1n=\frac 1 1 + \frac 12 + \frac 13 + \cdots $$

doesn't converge, on the other hand it grows very slowly?

I'd prefer an easily comprehensible explanation rather than a rigorous proof regularly found in undergraduate textbooks.

Solution 1:

Let's group the terms as follows:

Group $1$ : $\displaystyle\frac11\qquad$ ($1$ term)

Group $2$ : $\displaystyle\frac12+\frac13\qquad$($2$ terms)

Group $3$ : $\displaystyle\frac14+\frac15+\frac16+\frac17\qquad$($4$ terms)

Group $4$ : $\displaystyle\frac18+\frac19+\cdots+\frac1{15}\qquad$ ($8$ terms)


In general, group $n$ contains $2^{n-1}$ terms. But also, notice that the smallest element in group $n$ is larger than $\dfrac1{2^n}$. For example all elements in group $2$ are larger than $\dfrac1{2^2}$. So the sum of the terms in each group is larger than $2^{n-1} \cdot \dfrac1{2^n} = \dfrac1{2}$. Since there are infinitely many groups, and the sum in each group is larger than $\dfrac1{2}$, it follows that the total sum is infinite.

This proof is often attributed to Nicole Oresme.

Solution 2:

There is a fantastic collection of $20$ different proofs that this series diverges. I recommend you read it (it can be found here). I especially like proof $14$, which appeals to triangular numbers for a sort of cameo role.


It seems the original link is broken, due to the author moving to his own site. So I followed up and found the new link. In addition, the author has an extended addendum, bringing the total number of proofs to 42+.