Print not showing in ipython notebook

I had a similar printing problem when my first code cell was:

import sys

Then I've commented the second and third lines like this:

import sys

Reset the kernel and re-ran the program and now my print statements are working properly.

Later on, I've found that when I was first having the printing problem, all print outputs were actually being sent to the ipython console terminal (on my Linux box), instead of being embed on the notebook.

I encountered a similar problem (the reload(sys) was in a package I imported).

My workaround was that at the top of the script, I import sys, and store sys.stdout in a separate variable, e.g. stdout.

Then I import all the other stuff, including the one that calls reload(sys).

Then, at the end, I set sys.stdout = stdout, which redirects the output back to the IPython notebook

Taking what @JoostJM has said, which works, and putting it as code:

import sys
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = stdout

Changing the default encoding directs the output to the console, this sets it back to the jupyter notebook.