What experimental armors can you discover in the Proving Grounds?

Along the lines of What experimental grenades and ammo types are available?, what are the different kinds of experimental armor that you can discover in the Proving Grounds?

I don't mean the light and heavy tier 2 and tier 3 armors, i.e. Spider, EXO, Wraith, and WAR suits.

Solution 1:

The same person cited in that answer for the images made another album with the experimental armors. There are only 3.

Stasis Vest - +2 HP & will regen 2 health every turn, up to a maximum of 8 health regenerated per mission.

Plated Vest - +2 HP & and Armor Pip

Hazmat Vest - +2 HP & Fire / Acid / Poison Immunity (Potentially bugged)