Bash Shell Tutorials [closed]

Advanced Bash Scripting Guide from The Linux Documentation Project pages.
(Also available as a PDF file if you prefer that).

  • Recommended online resources for learning bash scripting
  • How to learn your way through Linux’s shell

General search tags:

  • Stackoverflow: bash+scripting, bash+script
  • Serverfault: bash+scripting, bash+script, etc
  • Command Line Fu -- for quick tricks (think of them as short tutorials)

Empty at this time... :-)

  • Superuser: bash+scripting, bash+script

But, don't go by that.

I find Greg's Bash Guide and Bash FAQ very helpful, even for beginners.

Also, I remember learning bash from Daniel Robbins' series, Bash by example, which is a very good read in my opinion.

If you don't mind to pay for the best resources in book format:

  • (Bash Cookbook)
  • (Learning Bash - slightly outdated)
  • (bash Quick Reference - I do use it frequently...)
  • (Unix power tools - OK, not only bash. But it's a must have)