Why must we distinguish between rational and irrational numbers?

The difference between rational and irrational numbers is always stated as: rational numbers can be written as the ratio of two integers, and irrational numbers can't. However, why do mathematicians make a distinction between these two types of numbers? Why are integers special anyway, other than being historically significant?

Is there any property that sets rational or irrational numbers apart, other than the way they are written in our number system?

Solution 1:

Here's one example of where the difference between rational numbers and irrational numbers matters. Consider a circle of circumference $1$ (in any units you choose), and suppose we have an ant (of infinitesimal size, of course) on the circle that moves forward by $f$ instantaneously once per second. Then the ant will return to its starting point if and only if $f$ is a rational number.

Maybe that was a little contrived. How about this instead? Consider an infinite square lattice with a chosen point $O$. Choose another point $P$ and draw the line segment $O P$. Pick an angle $\theta$ and draw a line $L$ starting from $O$ so that the angle between $L$ and $O P$ is $\theta$. Then, the line $L$ passes through a lattice point other than $O$ if and only if $\tan \theta$ is rational.

In general the difference between rational and irrational becomes most apparent when you have some kind of periodicity in space or time, as in the examples above.

Solution 2:

One thing is in how you construct them. Starting from the natural numbers (and $0$) you construct the integers by saying that $\mathbb{Z}$ is the smallest set that contains the naturals and is a group under addition. Similarly, the rationals $\mathbb{Q}$ is the smallest set containing $\mathbb{Z}$ that forms a group under multiplication (when $0$ is taken out). The reals $\mathbb{R}$ can then be constructed by defining it to be the smallest set containing $\mathbb{Q}$ in which every bounded set has a least upper bound.