Does will affect your psi soldiers' attacks in XCOM 2?

According to XCOM Wiki:

The success of psi attacks is only affected by the operative's Psi stat - which is increased by using upgraded Psi Amps - and not Will. Will is only a factor when defending against psi attacks, and improving Will (such as through a Personal Combat Sim) will not increase the operative's Psi rating. In short: Psi = Offense, Will = Defense.

I don't believe that Offense is only affected by Psi anymore. I have a Psi op with 133 will, and 139 Psi, pretty decent Psi Op. But she can't Dominate Gatekeepers or Codexes with 100% success.

My last playthrough, I was able to dominate anything with 100% success. Except maybe codexes were about 95-99%.

Now they're like 75%.

And every time I've tried, I get a -100% reduction due to Will.

W\So if Will doesn't affect offensive attacks, why is it affecting my dominate ability?