How costly is .NET reflection?

I constantly hear how bad reflection is to use. While I generally avoid reflection and rarely find situations where it is impossible to solve my problem without it, I was wondering...

For those who have used reflection in applications, have you measured performance hits and, is it really so bad?

Solution 1:

In his talk The Performance of Everyday Things, Jeff Richter shows that calling a method by reflection is about 1000 times slower than calling it normally.

Jeff's tip: if you need to call the method multiple times, use reflection once to find it, then assign it to a delegate, and then call the delegate.

Solution 2:

It is. But that depends on what you're trying to do.

I use reflection to dynamically load assemblies (plugins) and its performance "penalty" is not a problem, since the operation is something I do during startup of the application.

However, if you're reflecting inside a series of nested loops with reflection calls on each, I'd say you should revisit your code :)

For "a couple of time" operations, reflection is perfectly acceptable and you won't notice any delay or problem with it. It's a very powerful mechanism and it is even used by .NET, so I don't see why you shouldn't give it a try.

Solution 3:

Reflection performance will depend on the implementation (repetitive calls should be cached eg: entity.GetType().GetProperty("PropName")). Since most of the reflection I see on a day to day basis is used to populate entities from data readers or other repository type structures I decided to benchmark performance specifically on reflection when it is used to get or set an objects properties.

I devised a test which I think is fair since it caches all the repeating calls and only times the actual SetValue or GetValue call. All the source code for the performance test is in bitbucket at: Scrutiny is welcome and encouraged.

The conclusion I have come to is that it isn't practical and doesn't provide noticeable performance improvements to remove reflection in a data access layer that is returning less than 100,000 rows at a time when the reflection implementation is done well.

Graph of time (y) against number of entities populated(x)

The graph above demonstrates the output of my little benchmark and shows that mechanisms that outperform reflection, only do so noticeably after the 100,000 cycles mark. Most DALs only return several hundred or perhaps thousands of rows at a time and at these levels reflection performs just fine.

Solution 4:

If you're not in a loop, don't worry about it.

Solution 5:

My most pertinent experience was writing code to compare any two data entities of the same type in a large object model property-wise. Got it working, tried it, ran like a dog, obviously.

I was despondent, then overnight realised that wihout changing the logic, I could use the same algorithm to auto-generate methods for doing the comparison but statically accessing the properties. It took no time at all to adapt the code for this purpose and I had the ability to do deep property-wise comparison of entities with static code that could be updated at the click of a button whenever the object model changed.

My point being: In conversations with colleagues since I have several times pointed out that their use of reflection could be to autogenerate code to compile rather than perform runtime operations and this is often worth considering.