What's the word for "Enable/Disable"?

When I want to comment code about control Enable/Disable and when I want to discuss with people about the control Enable/Disable, I really hope there is actually a word to it instead of typing or saying "Enable/Disable".

Currently I use the word EnDisable, what is the real word of it?

I would suggest using "toggle" as although it doesn't exactly mean Enable/Disable it is commonly used as such in the context of user interfaces (as @Pekka mentioned).

Really depends on the context.

  • Changing of a control's status?
  • Switch?
  • Change?

Update: @Yacoby has the perfect one, it's widely used in user interface contexts.

I use "Ability", because if something is "enabled", it is "able to", and if it's "disabled" it is "unable to", so "ability" works for me and it's quite understandable. To switch the parameter I name my function "setAbility".

If I'm writing functions that enable or disable something depending some other data, I usually call them "ToggleXXX".