Vim-like input for Matlab

With a .inputrc file, I can do vim-like editing in maple. Is there a way to get vim-like line input in Matlab, either for the command-line or the GUI?

Solution 1:

Matlab doesn't use GNU readlines, so there's no direct way to bind vim keys to the Matlab command line through your ~/.inputrc. You'd have to create a wrapper that captures your vim code on a line-by-line basis. This SO link should get you started.

Solution 2:

In Matlab editor I don't know about vim-like mode.

But you can use Vim to edit files and highlight syntax:

  1. you can use Vim in Windows downloading it from or using Cygwin and installing the right package. Then, to use Matlab syntax highlight, download it from

  2. you can use Emacs instead: . There, they say that you can use Vim only changing some parameters in their solution.

Solution 3:

Set your bash or zsh console to vim mode using bindkey -v. Then install the rlwrap commmand line utility. Then make a nice alias to start matlab with vim for it's command line.

alias vmatlab="rlwrap -a matlab -nodesktop -nosplash"

To start using matlab with vim at the console, in a new terminal, type vmatlab.

It basically works. I used vim at the matlab console. But one side effect is that it fubars tab-completion in matlab. There's a way around it using rlwrap filters, but I don't have enough knowledge about them to write one.