how to handle an asymptote/discontinuity with Matplotlib

Solution 1:

By using masked arrays you can avoid plotting selected regions of a curve.

To remove the singularity at x=2:

import as M    # for older versions, prior to .98
#import as M                # for newer versions of matplotlib
from pylab import *


xx = np.arange(-0.5,5.5,0.01) 
vals = 1/(xx-2)        
vals = M.array(vals)
mvals = M.masked_where(xx==2, vals)

plot(xx, mvals, linewidth=3, color='red') 

This simple curve might be a bit more clear on which points are excluded:

xx = np.arange(0,6,.2) 
vals = M.array(xx)
mvals = M.masked_where(vals%2==0, vals)
plot(xx, mvals, color='b', linewidth=3)
plot(xx, vals, 'rx')

enter image description here

Solution 2:

This may not be the elegant solution you are looking for, but if just want results for most cases, you can "clip" large and small values of your plotted data to +∞ and -∞ respectively. Matplotlib does not plot these. Of course you have to be careful not to make your resolution too low or your clipping threshold too high.

utol = 100.
ltol = -100.
yy = 1/(xx-2)
yy[yy>utol] = np.inf
yy[yy<ltol] = -np.inf

ax.plot(xx, yy, zorder=100, linewidth=3, color='red')