Getting Clear read only status on Webstorm 8

I am new to Webstorm 8. I have webstorm 8 installed on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

I am trying to edit a file but I am getting a popup, with heading "Clear read only status", which shows file and two radio button

  • Using File System
  • Using version control integration

When I select Using File system and click OK, nothing happens, and it doesn't allow to select Second option.

I am using git as my dcvs.

Please guide me on how I can remove this read only status from that file.

Thanks in advance.

Solution 1:

I had similar problem and I ran following command and my problem was resolved:

sudo chown -R $(whoami) my-project-folder

Works on both Ubuntu & OS X

To check username use: whoami

Solution 2:

Same answer as above but use the current user and also add the files to the current group

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER my-project-folder

$USER is a variable which stores your currently logged in user,at least on Ubuntu.