It's tough to tell precisely what you're after. Perhaps you could give an example of what you're looking for.

My first response is to recommend that you look into R and some of the GUIs based on it. It's quickly becoming a standard in any field requiring statistical analysis, from quantitative finance, to medicine, to social sciences.

It has a hideous programming language but a huge package archive I would recommend poking around the statistics stack exchange site for pointers, but some notable GUIs include RapidMiner (, RStudio (New and just getting out of the gate, so don't expect a lot right now, Red-R (, R Commander (, and Rattle ( R is also integrated in SAGE, with which you may already be familiar. One huge benefit of R is Sweave, which allows integration with LaTeX, so your papers can render your data and publication at the same time.

If you just want a graphing solution, WaveMetrics IGOR ( is probably the best bet. It's available on Windows and Mac OS so you can share files with other people fairly easily.

KaleidaGraph ( and pro Fit ( are notable options as well.

One of the secrets you'll find out when hanging out on various visualization forums, especially Edward Tufte's (, is that a large number of the published graphs (especially his) often start in Excel and are exported to be manipulated in Adobe Illustrator. You may have a graph in mind that comes from this pipeline, which has a large manual effort but a magnificent potential output. I've also done similar with Mathematica (my tool of choice) when needing print-quality output.

I would say use Mathematica or gnu plot (mac port - link below). GNU Plot is very popular and I'm pretty sure you'd be quite happy with it.