How do I install drivers for an AMD Radeon HD 6450? [closed]

I bought new computer. The Graphics card is AMD Radeon HD 6450, on Windows 7 it works fine but I try to install driver on Ubuntu, and it says that "No supported adapters detected". I downloaded the driver from here. After installing "Aditional drivers" says that driver is installed. Also my screen resolution in Ubuntu is not maximum. Can you help me install proper driver, please? Thanks in advance!

I had a similar problem, but it worked fine for the previous version of this driver: "AMD Catalyst™ 11.8 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver". Here are the steps to download and install it:

  • Download the AMD Catalyst™ 11.8 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver
    If you don't have 'wget', install it by
     sudo apt-get install wget  
  • Make it executable, if not already

     chmod +x 
  • Run it and follow on-screen instructions to install the driver

     sudo ./ 

Hope this helps!

  • Do it in Debian mode:

    sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-ati
  • Or download the generic driver here:

Then go to another console (CTRL+ALT+F2), log in as root, shut down X (/etc/init.d/gdm stop), install the driver, and restart your box.

You should say which version of Ubuntu you're using. In 11.04, the open radeon driver should work well, though not perfectly. In 11.10, it's been improved further, and I much prefer it to the proprietary driver for my HD 5850. It's faster and it's easier to deal with.

I had the same problem, and also another one that you seem to also have at the same time: a big annoying AMD Unsupported Harware icon. As a consequence, when I tried to install Ubuntu 10.10, it froze just after the login screen and when I tried to install Ubuntu 11.10, it did not even arrive to the login screen.

Here is what I did, which solved the problem:

  • using another computer, download the latest proprietary driver from ATI on the official site. In my case I had to download it from here.
  • put the driver on a USB key
  • reboot the computer we want to repair
  • in the grub menu, select the recovery mode. This results in arriving at a command line interface. This is a proof that the Ubuntu operating system is functioning but that the problem is indeed the graphical card.
  • uninstall all previous versions of flgrx by launching sudo apt-get remove flgrx for example
  • mount the USB key with something close to mkdir /mnt/usb followed by sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/usb. Another way for this little step is explained here.
  • use the cd command to place yourself in the folder where the downloaded driver is
  • if necessary, make the driver be executable with something like chmod +x ./
  • execute the driver using sudo ./
  • follow the instructions given on the installer
  • if this step did not work, you may want to try sudo ./ --force instead
  • reboot your computer

Then your two problems should both be solved!