Understanding minecraft custom generation settings [duplicate]

When you create a new world, you can choose the option of Custom terrain (i think that's the name). This options allows to the player generate a custom map with custom values.

There are a tons of settings, and there are some settings I don't understand. These settings are the settings that controls the terrain perlin noise.

Last day, I was trying to do a custom terrain, but I don't know how to mmodify these parameters.

  • How do they work amd affect to the map?
  • What does every single (or a group of these) does?

Note: I've searched at the minecraft wiki, but the definitions aren't explained clearly for me.

Solution 1:

Advanced settings:
Main Noise Scale X stretches the terrain along the x-axis, consequently making the terrain more smooth. Larger values for smoother terrain.
Main Noise Scale Y stretches the terrain along the y (height) axis. Larger values for smoother, higher and more hilly terrain. Ranges from 1 to 5000, and defaults to 160.
Main Noise Scale Z stretches the terrain along the z-axis, consequently making the terrain more smooth. Larger values for smoother terrain. Ranges from 1 to 5000, and defaults to 80.
Depth Noise Scale X changes the abruptness of terrain height along the x axis. It ranges from 1 to 2000, and defaults to 200.
Depth Noise Scale Z changes the abruptness of terrain height along the z axis. It ranges from 1 to 2000, and defaults to 200.
Depth Noise Exponent ranges from 0.01 to 20, and defaults to 0.5. Not quite sure what it does.
Depth Base Size changes the base height of land. It ranges from 1 to 25, and defaults to 8.5. 1 in this value corresponds to 8 blocks, so the default is 8.5 * 8, which is 68.
Coordinate Scale: Larger values sharpen and create more frequent hills without stretching the biome. It is best used last to tweak the terrain. Ranges from 1 to 6000, and defaults to 684.412.
Height Scale stretches the base hills vertically before more details are made. It ranges from 1 to 6000, and defaults to 684.412.
Height Stretch pulls terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching. Ranges from 0.01 to 50, and defaults to 12.
Upper Limit Scale makes terrain more solid/riddled with holes depending on how close the values are to the lower limit scale values. Ranges from 1 to 5000, and defaults to 512.
Lower Limit Scale makes terrain more solid or riddled with holes depending on how close the values are to the upper limit scale values. Ranges from 1 to 5000, and defaults to 512.
Biome Depth Weight stretches terrain vertically. All biomes have a number that is added to or subtracted from the Depth Base Size. That number is then multiplied by this field. Ranges from 1 to 20, and defaults to 1.
Biome Depth Offset offsets the default terrain level by a specified amount proportional to a power of this field. Ranges from 0 to 20, and defaults to 0. Biome Scale Weight changes how much a biome's settings alter the terrain. Ranges from 1 to 20, and defaults to 1.
Biome Scale Offset stretches/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings. Ranges from 0 to 20, and defaults to 0. Not quite sure what it does.
My Source of Info