How do I teleport a player that has two specific scores in Minecraft

Solution 1:

Assuming your Bukkit plugins don't interfere with vanilla commands (and if one does, go and hit the plugin dev with oak wood planks), your problem is most likely a misunderstanding of the target selector arguments.

There are two target selector arguments for every scoreboard objective: score_NAME=X and score_NAME_min=X, where NAME is the name of the objective, and X is an integer number. The first one checks for the maximum, the second for the minimum score needed to be a valid target. To target someone with an OBJ1 of at exactly 4, you have to use both.


This can be expanded almost infinitely with more objectives, for example


would target any player with an OBJ1 score of 4, OBJ2 score of 2, and OBJ3 score between 66 and 99 (inclusive).

In your teleport example, you'd use

/tp @a[score_scoreboard=1,score_scoreboard_min=1,score_anotherscoreboard=3,score_anotherscoreboard_min=3] (coords)

Solution 2:

To those looking at this and using 1.13+, here's the new format (using MrLemon's example):

/tp @a[scores={scoreboard=1,anotherscoreboard=3}] X Y Z

You may also run the command as the player directly:

/execute as @a[scores={scoreboard=1,anotherscoreboard=3}] at @s run tp @s X Y Z

TIP: Adding ellipses (..) you can get a range of values:

  • scoreboard=..2 = any value less than or equal to 2 (including negative values)
  • scoreboard=0..2 = any value greater than or euqual to 0 and less than or equal to 2
  • scoreboard=2.. = any value greater than or equal to 2