.NET obfuscation tools/strategy [closed]

Solution 1:

We've tried a number of obfuscators. None of them work on a large client/server app that uses remoting. Problem is that client and server share some dlls, and we haven't found any obfuscator that can handle it.

We've tried DotFuscator Pro, SmartAssembly, XenoCode, Salamander, and several small time apps whose names escape me.

Frankly, I'm convinced obfuscation is a big hack.

Even the problems it addresses is not entirely a real problem. The only thing you really need to protect is connection strings, activation codes, security-sensitive things like that. This nonsense that another company is going to reverse-engineer your whole codebase and create a competing product from it is something from a paranoid manager's nightmare, not reality.

Solution 2:

I am 'Knee Deep' in this now, trying to find a good solution. Here are my impressions so far.

Xenocode - I have an old licence for Xenocode2005 which I used to use for obfuscating my .net 2.0 assemblies. It worked fine on XP and was a decent solution. My current project is .net 3.5 and I am on Vista, support told me to give it a go but the 2005 version does not even work on Vista (crashes) so I and now I have to buy 'PostBuild2008' at a gobsmacking price point of $1900. This might be a good tool but I'm not going to find out. Too expensive.

Reactor.Net - This is a much more attractive price point and it worked fine on my Standalone Executeable. The Licencing module was also nice and would have saved me a bunch of effort. Unfortunately, It is missing a key feature and that is the ability to Exclude stuff from the obfuscation. This makes it impossible to achieve the result I needed (Merge multiple assemblies together, obfuscate some, not-Obfuscate others).

SmartAssembly - I downloaded the Eval for this and it worked flawlessly. I was able to achieve everything I wanted and the Interface was first class. Price point is still a bit hefty.

Dotfuscator Pro - Couldn't find price on website. Currently in discussions to get a quotation. Sounds ominous.

Confuser - an open source project which works quite well (to confuse ppl, just as the name implies).

Note: ConfuserEx is reportedly "broken" according to Issue #498 on their GitHub repo.

Solution 3:

Back with .Net 1.1 obfuscation was essential: decompiling code was easy, and you could go from assembly, to IL, to C# code and have it compiled again with very little effort.

Now with .Net 3.5 I'm not at all sure. Try decompiling a 3.5 assembly; what you get is a long long way from compiling.

Add the optimisations from 3.5 (far better than 1.1) and the way anonymous types, delegates and so on are handled by reflection (they are a nightmare to recompile). Add lambda expressions, compiler 'magic' like Linq-syntax and var, and C#2 functions like yield (which results in new classes with unreadable names). Your decompiled code ends up a long long way from compilable.

A professional team with lots of time could still reverse engineer it back again, but then the same is true of any obfuscated code. What code they got out of that would be unmaintainable and highly likely to be very buggy.

I would recommend key-signing your assemblies (meaning if hackers can recompile one they have to recompile all) but I don't think obfuscation's worth it.

Solution 4:

If your looking for a free one you could try DotObfuscator Community Edition that comes with Visual Studio or Eazfuscator.NET.

Since June 29, 2012, Eazfuscator.NET is now commercial. The last free available version is 3.3.

Solution 5:

I have been using smartassembly. Basically, you pick a dll and it returns it obfuscated. It seems to work fine and I've had no problems so far. Very, very easy to use.