Browsers ignoring hosts file

Until recently my browsers started to ignore my hosts file. I have Windows 7 operating system installed.

I have tried:

  • Clearing browser cache
  • Issued "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command line
  • Issued "ping" from the command line (response was "Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=128")
  • Restarting unit
  • Backing up original hosts file and making a new one
  • Checking lmhosts.sam (everything is commented out)
  • Connecting directly to modem using cable
  • Checked \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath
  • Tried it on another laptop with exactly the specs as I have

Then I tried

  • Changing entry to "" (ping ok, browser ok)
  • Changing entry to "" (ping ok, browser ok but only for a sec)
  • Issued "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command line (ping ok, browser not ok)
  • Changing entry to "" (ping ok, browser ok)
  • Changing entry to "" (ping ok, browser not ok)
  • Issued "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command line (ping ok, browser not ok)

Any idea why it worked for a moment? Or better yet anything I havent tried or some error I may have overlooked?

Sounds like the connection is being proxied. Go to Control Panel->Internet Options->Connections and then click on the "Lan Settings" button at the bottom. Make sure the "use proxy server" button isn't checked.

Lot of time that will only affect the browser, which is why you're getting different results from pinging and visiting the site.

This can be a sign that you've gotten a virus. I'd try doing a full scan.

You can try to add www

This could be the problem.