How to make new Office Communicator session pop up in Windows 7

There's no built-in way to do this on an ongoing basis, according to Microsoft.

You can set an individual chat window to "stay on top" which doesn't exactly do what you request.. and doesn't last once the window is closed.

Or you can slightly improve the contrast of the window flashing.

I'm trying to keep the user window on top, which should let me see which users have pending notifications next to their names.

I wrote a script in AutoHotKey to do this with Office Communicator. I've released the source and the compiled executable here:

Just put the exe in your startup folder. One caveat – if you have an existing IM window open, and a new one comes in, nothing will happen. You have to go from 0 IM windows to 1 IM window for this to trigger.

I actually also did this for meeting reminders with MS Outlook, as they have that same problem. I've put that version up there too.