Clear History and Reload Page on Login/Logout Using Ionic Framework

Solution 1:

Welcome to the framework! Actually the routing in Ionic is powered by ui-router. You should probably check out this previous SO question to find a couple of different ways to accomplish this.

If you just want to reload the state you can use:

$state.go($state.current, {}, {reload: true});

If you actually want to reload the page (as in, you want to re-bootstrap everything) then you can use:


Good luck!

Solution 2:

I found that JimTheDev's answer only worked when the state definition had cache:false set. With the view cached, you can do $ionicHistory.clearCache() and then $state.go('app.fooDestinationView') if you're navigating from one state to the one that is cached but needs refreshing.

See my answer here as it requires a simple change to Ionic and I created a pull request:

Solution 3:

The correct answer:


Solution 4:

I have found a solution which helped me to get it done. Setting cache-view="false" on ion-view tag resolved my problem.

<ion-view cache-view="false" view-title="My Title!">

Solution 5:

Reload the page isn't the best approach.

you can handle state change events for reload data without reload the view itself.

read about ionicView life-cycle here:

and handle the event beforeEnter for data reload.

$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(){
  // Any thing you can think of