global variable for all controller and views

Okay, I'm going to completely ignore the ridiculous amount of over engineering and assumptions that the other answers are rife with, and go with the simple option.

If you're okay for there to be a single database call during each request, then the method is simple, alarmingly so:

class BaseController extends \Controller

    protected $site_settings;

    public function __construct() 
        // Fetch the Site Settings object
        $this->site_settings = Setting::all();
        View::share('site_settings', $this->site_settings);


Now providing that all of your controllers extend this BaseController, they can just do $this->site_settings.

If you wish to limit the amount of queries across multiple requests, you could use a caching solution as previously provided, but based on your question, the simple answer is a class property.

At first, a config file is appropriate for this kind of things but you may also use another approach, which is as given below (Laravel - 4):

// You can keep this in your filters.php file
App::before(function($request) {
    App::singleton('site_settings', function(){
        return Setting::all();

    // If you use this line of code then it'll be available in any view
    // as $site_settings but you may also use app('site_settings') as well
    View::share('site_settings', app('site_settings'));

To get the same data in any controller you may use:

$site_settings = app('site_settings');

There are many ways, just use one or another, which one you prefer but I'm using the Container.

Use the Config class:

Config::set('site_settings', $site_settings);


Configuration values that are set at run-time are only set for the current request, and will not be carried over to subsequent requests.

In Laravel, 5+ you can create a file in the config folder and create variables in that and use that across the app. For instance, I want to store some information based on the site. I create a file called site_vars.php, which looks like this

return [
    'supportEmail' => '[email protected]',
    'adminEmail' => '[email protected]'

Now in the routes, controller, views you can access it using


In the views if I this

{{ Config::get('site_vars.supportEmail') }}

It will give [email protected]

Hope this helps.

EDiT- You can also define vars in .env file and use them here. That is the best way in my opinion as it gives you the flexibility to use values that you want on your local machine.

So, you can do something this in the array

'supportEmail' => env('SUPPORT_EMAIL', '[email protected]')

Important - After you do this, don't forget to do this on production env

php artisan config:cache

In case, there's still some problem, then you can do this (usually it would never happen but still if it ever happens)

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache

In your local env, always do this after this adding it

php artisan config:clear 

It's always a good practice not to cache config vars in local. in case, it was cached, this would remove the cache and would load the new changes.

I see, that this is still needed for 5.4+ and I just had the same problem, but none of the answers were clean enough, so I tried to accomplish the availability with ServiceProviders. Here is what i did:

  1. Created the Provider SettingsServiceProvider
    php artisan make:provider SettingsServiceProvider
  1. Created the Model i needed (GlobalSettings)
    php artisan make:model GlobalSettings
  1. Edited the generated register method in \App\Providers\SettingsServiceProvider. As you can see, I retrieve my settings using the eloquent model for it with Setting::all().

    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('App\GlobalSettings', function ($app) {
            return new GlobalSettings(Setting::all());

  1. Defined some useful parameters and methods (including the constructor with the needed Collection parameter) in GlobalSettings

    class GlobalSettings extends Model
        protected $settings;
        protected $keyValuePair;

        public function __construct(Collection $settings)
            $this->settings = $settings;
            foreach ($settings as $setting){
                $this->keyValuePair[$setting->key] = $setting->value;

        public function has(string $key){ /* check key exists */ }
        public function contains(string $key){ /* check value exists */ }
        public function get(string $key){ /* get by key */ }

  1. At last I registered the provider in config/app.php

    'providers' => [
        // [...]


  1. After clearing the config cache with php artisan config:cache you can use your singleton as follows.

    $foo = app(App\GlobalSettings::class);
    echo $foo->has("company") ? $foo->get("company") : "Stack Exchange Inc.";


You can read more about service containers and service providers in Laravel Docs > Service Container and Laravel Docs > Service Providers.

This is my first answer and I had not much time to write it down, so the formatting ist a bit spacey, but I hope you get everything.

I forgot to include the boot method of SettingsServiceProvider, to make the settings variable global available in views, so here you go:


    public function boot(GlobalSettings $settinsInstance)
        View::share('globalsettings', $settinsInstance);


Before the boot methods are called all providers have been registered, so we can just use our GlobalSettings instance as parameter, so it can be injected by Laravel.

In blade template:


    {{ $globalsettings->get("company") }}