Planting and farming blinkroot

I found some Blinkroot Seeds and now want to plant them to get the whole potion brewing going. What do I have to keep in mind when planting those?

I only found Blinkroot underground, so do I also have to plant them underground? Do they have any other requirements?

Solution 1:

Strangely enough, there is nothing to keep in mind.

They will grow anywhere at any level, provided that you plant them in a Clay Pot.

They also grow on plain dirt and mud. However, this is undesirable when making a Blinkroot farm, because fully grown Blinkroots switch on and off at random intervals. They can be harvested all the same, but "inactive" Blinkroots will not drop any seeds. Thus, planting them in Clay Pots is preferable, because they allow for selective harvesting.