Cannot edit checked out file (TFS) in Visual Studio 2013

I suspended Resharper and restarted Visual Studio 2013. Once I reopened it the problem was gone. Resuming Resharper caused the problem to emerge again.

The solution is quite large so maybe that is it. Before putting Resharper into suspend mode I tried switching off code analysis thinking the workload is just too great, but that didn't help. The suspend did though. I hope this helps anyone else with the same issue.

All I have to do now is to figure out how to get Resharper back in the game without the problem coming back. We rely on Resharper as it is an wonderful tool. Since the solution has many projects in it, I am going to try create a smaller solution with my web project and just reference the other projects as assemblies. Maybe that will help

Update: Clearing the resharper cache as suggested by Alexander resolved the original issue.

I'd like to add Alexander's comment as answer, since it helped me exactly to solve the issue:

Clean R# (ReSharper) caches by deleting all folders (and files) from the path

C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Local\JetBrains\ReSharper\v8.2\SolutionCaches\

and then reopen the solution.

Note: (Thanks to Antak for providing this info!)

You can paste


into file explorer's path textbox (open it via Win+E, or use Win+R and paste the path into the command window), this will resolve the physical path into your user's directory automatically.

This happened to me. All my JavaScript files went "dead." By "dead" i mean that all the normal VS intellisense coloring/functionality was gone; js files were un-editable, although Resharper was still working sort of; all other non-js files seems to be normal. In addition to Resharper, I had also previously installed Web Essentials and was using both tools.

First, I cleared the R# caches as mentioned above by Alexander. After restarting VS, this DID NOT work. JS files still dead.

Then i disabled Web Essentials. Then I restarted. THIS WORKED.

I then re-enabled Web Essentials, restarted again, and all seems to be OK. Am crossing my fingers....