Is there a way to get additional Morty Manipulator Chips before leaving the Citadel?

The game is relatively new, so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to answer yet,

Is there any way to obtain additional Morty Manipulator Chips (the in-game equivalent of a Pokeball) before leaving the Citadel of Ricks? As soon as I go through the portal, I encounter a random wild Morty, and have no way to capture it. I have already checked the one store in the Citadel I saw before heading out.

You will be able to get more after your first few trips through portals. You can also make them using recipes. I found this image of the recipes while making my own: enter image description here

In addition to crafting your own with the collected components, you can purchase Morty manipulator chips for 500 schmekles from Salesman Rick. I do not believe they are immediately available, but they seemed to be available after I earned my first 2 badges and defeated my first Council Rick.