Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\config.php on line 6

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\login.php on line 10

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\login.php on line 11

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\login.php on line 15

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\login.php on line 16

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\Users\xampp\htdocs\PHP_Login_Script\login.php on line 19

I'm getting this error above on localhost even if my config file is like this:


    define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
    define("DB_USER", "root");
    define("DB_PASSWORD", "");
    define("DB_DATABASE", "databasename");



This used to work, but now it doesn't anymore. Is there any problem with this code or is it not working now? This is the tutorial I am working on right now.

Solution 1:

That combination of username, host, and password is not allowed to connect to the server. Verify the permission tables (reloading grants if required) on the server and that you're connecting to the correct server.

Solution 2:

If youre running wamp update

define("DB_HOST", "localhost");

To your machines ip address (mine is;

define("DB_HOST", "");

You can find it on window by typing ipconfig in your console or ifconfig on mac/linux

Solution 3:

Make sure that your password doesn't have special characters and just keep a plain password (for ex: 12345), it will work. This is the strangest thing that I have ever seen. I spent about 2 hours to figure this out.

Note: 12345 mentioned below is your plain password

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO 'yourusername'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '12345';

Solution 4:


use DB_HOST instead of DB_SERVER