How do I add a directory to the eclipse classpath?

Solution 1:

In Eclipse, there is a build classpath and a runtime classpath. There is also the build output location, which by default is bin. You don't want to add resources directly to bin because Eclipse can delete its contents when doing a clean build. What you need to do is add a resources folder in your project to contain any non-Java files that you want included in your build output.

To include the contents of this resources folder in the build output (bin), right-click the project and select Properties. In the Project Properties, select the Java Build Path section, then the Source tab.

enter image description here

Use the Add Folder... button to select the resources folder from your project, then OK to save the changes. At that point, Eclipse will automatically copy everything from resources into bin when it builds.

Solution 2:

This is for a maven project:

  1. Right click on project
  2. click on run configurations
  3. click on the classpath tab (Oxygen Eclipse)
  4. click on user entries
  5. click on Advanced
  6. first radio selection default should be 'Add Folders'
  7. click OK