What is the difference between iTerm2 and Terminal?

Solution 1:

There are several features listed on their features page.

Some of the features I like are:

  • Split pane view
  • Hotkey window for instant terminal anywhere
  • Search will highlight all found words (like in Chrome and Safari)
  • Mouseless copy
  • Instant replay (can "rewind" your session in case you forgot to note/copy something)
  • Paste history
  • Growl support for notification when a process completes

Solution 2:

@joel's answer is good, but Terminal.app gained some exclusive features in Lion:

  • support for Lion's restore feature
  • support for system services - this means I have a system shortcut for “new terminal in this folder” without strange hacks.
  • support for system services means great automator integration
  • document proxy in the window and generally better D&D support
  • right click on a string to search in man pages or open its man page in a cool floating window. Really handy!

See: http://www.macosxautomation.com/lion/terminal.html

Solution 3:

I just love iTerm because it does have the auto-complete for commands.thats just awesome.

From the feature list for iTerm2's on its website:

Just type the start of any word that has ever appeared in your window and then Cmd-; will pop open a window with suggestions. The word you're looking for is usually on top of the list!

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