Pandas: conditional rolling count

Solution 1:

I think there is a nice way to combine the solution of @chrisb and @CodeShaman (As it was pointed out CodeShamans solution counts total and not consecutive values).

  df['count'] = df.groupby((df['col'] != df['col'].shift(1)).cumsum()).cumcount()+1

  col  count
0   B      1
1   B      2
2   A      1
3   A      2
4   A      3
5   B      1

Solution 2:


df['count'] = df.groupby('col').cumcount()


df['count'] = df.groupby('col').cumcount() + 1

if you want the counts to begin at 1.

Solution 3:

Based on the second answer you linked, assuming s is your series.

df = pd.DataFrame(s)
df['block'] = (df['col'] != df['col'].shift(1)).astype(int).cumsum()
df['count'] = df.groupby('block').transform(lambda x: range(1, len(x) + 1))

In [88]: df
  col  block  count
0   B      1      1
1   B      1      2
2   A      2      1
3   A      2      2
4   A      2      3
5   B      3      1