How do you pronounce 'news'?
Solution 1:
I believe the the difference between the two pronunciations nyooz and nooz is called yod-dropping. There is some debate here about whether this habit is American or a regional pronunciation in America; so far as I know (as a native speaker), it is always nyooz in British English.
Solution 2:
According to Cambridge English dictionary, new is pronounced njuː in UK and nuː or nju: in US . nu: is more frequent than nju:
ju: is similar to the sound in cue and u: is similar with the sound in moo.
The same goes for news;, the only difference of course is that you add a "z" at the end.
Solution 3:
The curious answer here is: "both." For me, "news" rhymes both with "crew" and "few." Depends on the situation, type of statement, context, etc.