Add folder to PATH
How to add something to PATH ? I have added like
export PATH
and it works until I restart , after that when I type env in PATH there is no /home/example.
Solution 1:
Add these lines to your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.bashrc
(Guide which to use)
Solution 2:
set it in your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.profile
(depending on your bash configuration).
Its just a set of commands that run each time a new bash instance is started. That's always been my hacky way of doing it. It works, so i never sought anything better.
mizar:branches peelman$ cat ~/.bash_profile
complete -W "$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v "\["`;)" ssh
alias restartgrowl="killall GrowlHelperApp && open -a GrowlHelperApp"
mizar:branches peelman$
Solution 3:
put it e.g. into .*rc
in your home directory so that it runs whenever you run your favourite shell.
~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile
for bash
for tcsh
etc etc...
usually get loaded every time....