Risk of data usage with League?

Alright, so I moved into a new house, and we won't have Internet for a while. I wanna know two things:

  • Is a hotspot from an IPhone 5s strong enough to maintain a signal in a League of Legends game? (I get 10.39 Mbps down, and 18.46 Mbps upload speed)

  • how much data would that use? (Not an unlimited data plan, that's why I'm asking)

This is hypothetical, not sure if I'm gonna try it anyway, I just want to know.

(BTW: I tagged league of legends on this because someone in that area might know something about the network requirements and usage that comes from playing league, so please don't think this is not a league question just because it isn't about gameplay specifically)

Short Answer to the second part of the question . 2-3 Gb a month if you play daily.

I as someone who used to play a lot of league of legends with limited data, can tell you three things.

  1. Updates will use a lot of data depending on the update. so expect to use anywhere between 200-400 mb of data a month on just updates. One thing you can do to avoid this is copy your league client to a flash drive and update it at an internet cafe pc.
  2. Now in game you will use about 30-50 mb per game. I've calculated this it is sometimes less depending on the length of the game. So if its 20 minutes you will use less than 30 mb but for longer games expect an avg of about 40 mb.

  3. Lastly if you have a replay system I suggest you disable it. My lsi client has used close to 1 gb worth of data in the past 3 months just recording my games.

So if you are playing daily I'd say you will probably use about 2-3 Gb worth of data a month without recording your replays.

Now for the first part of your question all I can suggest if you use cmd to do ping test before your game. Or use pingtest.net. Just check and make sure your connection is stable. It is not worth-while to play league of legends with an unstable connection. If your ping is consistant then your good to go if you have issues during the test then you probably should not use your mobile device. I can not comment simply because I do not know what service provider you are on and even if I did know I would not be able to give you information unless I had used them so this will something you need to check and test out.

From what I can find;

"LoL uses roughly 20 kb/s (that's kiloBITs per second) when in game. It uses minuscule amounts while not in game running the client." - source

As for your second question, I don't know how stable your phone's hotspot will be, but I do know people who have played League of Legends off their phone hotspots, and they didn't have too much stability trouble.

Also as Aequitas mentioned, you can get a tracking info of data usage from an app, or at least on an iPhone 6, it tells you under the general usage part of the settings.