How to install GIMP resynthesizer on Mac OS?

Solution 1:

There are currently two relatively easy ways to get to this plugin. "Easy" as in "still a pain", just like the other, third and fourth option.

  1. The batteries included approach, as recommended b resynthesizer: download a build from GIMP on OS X. Sadly development seems to have stopped about a year ago. Currently the latest version is 2.8.12 built for Sierra. (Original website no longer active as of May 2019. On Sourceforge the version recommended by Resynthesizer Gimp on OSX Gimp-2.8.18p1-Sierra.dmg 2017-01-08)

  2. The 'some plugins already included approach: download a binary from Partha, Photography and Related Musings. Does not include the resynthesizer plugin itself but has recent builds against which building the plugin itself is a bit easier. Latest builds available. Currently at McGimp 2.10.8 Standard Edition (2019).

  3. Use the help of MacPorts to build everything GIMP from scratch/source including all build-dependencies and then go to GIMP Resynthesizer Plugin Suite and build that as well from source.

  4. Install the official or any other binary for GIMP as usual on macOS, then install a virtual machine and a Linux in that, with GIMP and the resynthesizer plugin ready-made to play well from a package repository. Use that for the Enhance filters (if you work exclusively in the Virtual Machine you might of yourse skip the macOS part of installing GIMP)

That said, its probably easiest (and a huge hassle) to just install two versions of GIMP, like in the 4th option. A recent one without the plugin but all the latest core features, and either an older GIMP with plugin, or the GIMP on VM route.

Solution 2:

To add some approaches not covered in @LangLangC's answer:

  1. Using Homebrew you can run brew cask install lisanet-gimp to get a version of GIMP with some parts of the resynthesizer ready to go, including the most important Filters > Enhance > Heal selection. This suffers from the same problem as the lisanet offerings in @LangLangC's answer: it is out of date. For example, there is no support for .HEIF files.

  2. There are now prebuilt Mac versions of the Resynthesizer and other plugins available at There is a thorough tutorial on how to install the files from this site here.
    In short you download the current version of the plug-in (currently ResynthesizerPlugin-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz), extract it, and put the extracted files in your plug-ins directory, which may be inside your application bundle. (/Applications/

I also had to Ctrl+right-click on the resynthesizer and resynthesizer-gui executables in the Finder and tell OS X it was okay to open them despite the fact that they were downloaded from the internet before everything worked.

To avoid these GateKeeper hurdles, run this command before installing the files:

xattr -csrv ~/Downloads/ResynthesizerPlugin-Gimp-2.10-osx

(Obviously, the path used in that command to remove the downloads-are-dangerous-flag should reflect the actual location of your files…)

Solution 3:

"Resynthesizer" I've been chasing my tail like a dog all afternoon over this.

Gimp update 2.9.22 update promptly deleted any signs of "Resynthesizer"; healing is gone. As a plugin, the Mac version is not available because it is part of some modified version. I believe mine was McGimp. Downloaded McGimp (2.9.7), it's not included. I looked and saw no early versions of any custom modifications stating it was included. nothing.

"Resynthesizer" for Mac does not exist any more.

It is total bs when they claim Gimp had "Content Aware" years before Photoshop. Um, no. There was a plug-in for Gimp, requiring a grad student programmer to install it, but no one thought it was important enough to make it a standard filter or fill function. I searched all over. There are dozens of tutorials on how to use it, usually boasting "we're first" ad nauseam, but no one mentioned where I can download and install it in a Mac, manually or otherwise.

Gimp may have had the plug-in floating around somewhere, but Photoshop had it installed and easy to use in a logical location. [No, I do not work for Adobe, otherwise I wouldn't be trying to find it for Gimp.]

Gimp, still doesn't have it; neither do I. Time to have a beer.

Solution 4:

This version seems to have the plugin built and included: