More formal synonym of "bullshit artist"?

A more formal term for a bullshit artist is hyperbolist.

Hyperbolist n. 1. One who uses hyperboles.
- Webster's 1913

hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
- Google

One option is to call the person a fabulist. Here is Merriam-Webster's definition of the term (from the Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary):

fabulist n (1593) 1 : a creator or writer of fables 2 : LIAR

If the person grossly exaggerates the success of the programs he or she is involved with, you might consider referring to the person as a Baron Munchausen, in honor of the eighteenth-century German nobleman who never let reality get in the way of a colorful (not to say florid) account of his extraordinary adventures and achievements.

Someone who publicizes the accomplishments or the attractions of something is a promoter, and we all know that promotion can often be independent of the actual merits of the thing being promoted.

By emphasizing the skill of the promoter, you subtly suggest that the promotion outweighs the actual production --thus you might modify the phrase as skilled promoter, talented promoter, enthusiastic promoter or, using one of my favorite adjectival phrases, silver-tongued promoter.