Apply function to each element of a list

Solution 1:

I think you mean to use map instead of filter:

>>> from string import upper
>>> mylis=['this is test', 'another test']
>>> map(upper, mylis)

Even simpler, you could use str.upper instead of importing from string (thanks to @alecxe):

>>> map(str.upper, mylis)

In Python 2.x, map constructs a new list by applying a given function to every element in a list. filter constructs a new list by restricting to elements that evaluate to True with a given function.

In Python 3.x, map and filter construct iterators instead of lists, so if you are using Python 3.x and require a list the list comprehension approach would be better suited.

Solution 2:

Or, alternatively, you can take a list comprehension approach:

>>> mylis = ['this is test', 'another test']
>>> [item.upper() for item in mylis]

Solution 3:

Sometimes you need to apply a function to the members of a list in place. The following code worked for me:

>>> def func(a, i):
...     a[i] = a[i].lower()
>>> a = ['TEST', 'TEXT']
>>> list(map(lambda i:func(a, i), range(0, len(a))))
[None, None]
>>> print(a)
['test', 'text']

Please note, the output of map() is passed to the list constructor to ensure the list is converted in Python 3. The returned list filled with None values should be ignored, since our purpose was to convert list a in place