How do I tell where loot is stored?

Solution 1:

The location of most of the loot can sometimes be hard to be determined. The most visible indications you can use are:

  • Collectors (left is full, right is empty)

enter image description here

enter image description here

(Notice the small square storage at the top) enter image description here

  • Storages (from empty to full)

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Sometimes in the clan castle:

enter image description here

If none of these appear to have loot, then it will be in the Town Hall.

[I need to resize these >.< will do when I get on my machine]

Solution 2:

The only way is to look at the resource collectors to see how full they are as they have different levels of pink liquid in the tube for the elixir collector and a different sized pile of gold in the cart for the gold mine.

I don't believe you can tell how many resources are in a dark elixir drill unfortunately.

Solution 3:

Besides checking the collectors, you can also check the storages, they will have different levels of being filled based on how much loot they have in. This link here has some nice pictures showing the differences. It isn't an exact science, but the general rule is the more filled they look, the more loot will be in them. Also if the person has collected any loot, a portion of it, up to a cap (see here for a chart) will be stored in the th.