How to use Objective-C enum in Swift [duplicate]

I think this is a bug because Swift should define == for C enums or an "to Int" conversion but it doesn't.

The simplest workaround is redefining your C enum as:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, JapaneseFoodType) {
    JapaneseFoodType_Sushi = 1,
    JapaneseFoodType_Tempura = 2,

which will allow LLVM to process the enum and convert it to a Swift enum (NS_ENUM also improves your Obj-C code!).

Another option is to define the equality using reinterpret hack:

public func ==(lhs: JapaneseFoodType, rhs: JapaneseFoodType) -> Bool {
    var leftValue: UInt32 = reinterpretCast(lhs)
    var rightValue: UInt32 = reinterpretCast(rhs)

    return (leftValue == rightValue)

You should use NS_ENUM macro to make your enums Swift-compatible.

Also note that your enum literals should be accessed like JapaneseFoodType._Sushi, so it's probably a good idea to remove the underscore.