Comparing two number in batch script

I'm sorry if it seems a very basic question, but I cant compare two file sizes where one file is being written continuously in batch script, it doesn't go beyond if statement, just get stuck there and comes out without doing anything.

 copy C:\Users\Admin\ping.txt C:\Users\Admin\ping.partial
 set file="C:\Users\Admin\ping.txt"
 set parfile="C:\Users\Admin\ping.partial"
 ping -n 5 > nul
 FOR %%A IN (%file%) DO set size=%%~zA
 FOR %%B IN (%parfile%) DO set parsize=%%~zB
 echo %size%
 echo %parsize%
 if %size% EQU %parsize%
   ECHO file is complete > C:\Users\Admin\status.log
   ping -n 5 > nul
  echo incomplete > C:\Users\Admin\status.log
  ping -n 5 > nul
   goto start

What I'm doing wrong here. :(

Regards, Gaurav

if cond ( 
) else (

if cond (...) else (...)
if cond (...) else command
if cond (...) else (
if cond (
) else command

The placement of the parenthesis matters. The if opening parenthesis needs to be on the same line that the if command. The if closing parenthesis needs to be in the same line that the else clause (if present). The else opening parenthesis needs to be in the same line that the else clause.

if %size% EQU %parsize% causes error

if opp condition opp2 command

if you modify follow this this will work

IF %size% == %parsize%   ECHO file is complete > C:\Users\finoy\status.log   ping -n 5 > nul 
else echo incomplete > C:\Users\finoy\status.log ping -n 5 > nul