Book recommendation about mathematics [closed]

Solution 1:

"A Mathematician's Apology" by G.H. Hardy can be a good starting point. It is a classic from the '40, also written by an incredible Mathematician.


This as to be intended as an answer to the questions " book about the use of mathematics in the world", "something about the point of view of a mathematician" and "biography". It certainly addresses also the topic of the usefulness of Mathematics to the human society but, the author instead of providing arguments to prove that Mathematics is "so useful" will try to show that the true and beautiful Mathematics is useless to the society. This has to be intended in a good way since Hardy, who was a pacifist, wanted to take distances from the possible (negative) applications of Mathematics to war.

Solution 2:

A good idea-since you are after all a Maths student-would be "Mathematics Made Difficult" by Carl E. Linderholm.