Can't connect to app store after installing VPN software

I started experiencing problems after playing with,
it may have done something to the core apple connection preferences.

I have looked all over the internet and I can't find a solution..

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here are my specs - Lion 10.7.1

do you have any other connectivity issues and did you knowingly change any network configurations when you were using hotspotshield?

  • I had no other connectivity issues beforehand and no i didn't change any network settings to my knowledge.
  • I've tried connecting thru Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and iPhone USB tethering. The internet does work, but the software update and app store will not connect.
  • I created a new user to test it and it doesn't work..
  • Per the new image added, the badge does get updated, but it isn't allowing access..

Solution 1:

1) Have you tried:

defaults read /Library/Preferences/ > ~/Desktop/su.dwrites.txt

defaults delete /Library/Preferences/

(The first line will save your SoftwareUpdate settings to a file, the second will delete them.)

2) Check




to make sure that there's nothing in there which is mucking with your network settings.

If you find anything that you aren't sure about, try moving it to your Desktop and then reboot.

3) If that still doesn't do it, check netstat -rn to see if it's showing anything odd.

Updated 2011-09-20 to add:

Ok, so it appears that didn't help.

Other possibilities:

sudo mv /Library/Preferences/ ~/Desktop/

and reboot to make sure that those settings have been removed.

I'm not sure how this is effecting only Software Update and the Mac App Store.

Two more commands:

networksetup -getwebproxy Ethernet

networksetup -getwebproxy Wi-Fi

(depending on which one you use to connect)

They should output something like:

Enabled: No
Port: 0
Authenticated Proxy Enabled: 0


This almost seems too simple to suggest, but for the sake of completeness: have you tried creating a new "Location" in System Preferences >> Network?

By default it will be "Automatic" but if you click it, there should be an option to "Edit Locations".

Try creating a new one and switch to that, then try again.

Solution 2:

Interesting. If you are on Lion, which you seem to be from the screenshots, then you can first try:

man 8 softwareupdate

softwareupdate -l 

Would ordinarily list your available updates. But wait! Open another tab and in this one you are going to use the handy nettop(1) command

Just type "nettop" and see what it says. Do not quit, use down arrow to see the bottom, use left arrow to summarize. Do not quit.

Now run

softwareupdate -l and see if anything proper happens _on the nettop tab_. ( Paste it here I guess ) 

The first thing we can try with lion until the next os:

man sysdiagnose  # handy as a gun in a knifefight

There will be no secrets, I believe.


man 8 tmdiagnose
man 8 mddiagnose # spotlight 

This is a painfully obvious thing to ask but,

did you try looking at the Or typing


to see what osX thinks the problem is ?

syslog -F raw -w 20.

will make it act like tail -f

Finally, you can reach for the rum, the chalk, and the chicken and use, if you are using wi-fi that is:

airportd   #there is no man page for this

airportd prefs  # see what is set

airportd readNVRAM # see what your fallback network is set to.

Have you tried rebooting and holding down cmd-R, to get to the recovery partition? The main drive is not mounted, it's very cool, assuming you did not have a custom partioning scheme...

Solution 3:

Hotspot Shield comes with an Uninstaller. Did you run it, and did that solve your problem? Once you run the uninstall, you should reboot your machine.

We use VPN services (paid, I'm afraid) from Witopia and Hotspot VPN (we're trying both services for a year to see which we like better). I'm the one with Witopia, and I use OpenVPN on my MacBook, and have a choice of Cisco IPSec or PPTP on my iDevices. No problems with any of these.