Owin Twitter login - the remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

Thanks to the power of open source we can see that the thumbprints for the twitter certificates have been coded in the Katana Project.


Recently some certificates must have changed and now the thumbprints no longer match.

Please add a new thumb print for the "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5" Certificate to your Twitter Auth Options in your Startup.Auth.cs (for MVC users).

Change from the default:

    consumerKey: "XXXX",
    consumerSecret: "XXX"

Use this:

app.UseTwitterAuthentication(new TwitterAuthenticationOptions
    ConsumerKey = "XXXX",
    ConsumerSecret = "XXXX",
    BackchannelCertificateValidator = new CertificateSubjectKeyIdentifierValidator(new[]
        "A5EF0B11CEC04103A34A659048B21CE0572D7D47", // VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G2
        "0D445C165344C1827E1D20AB25F40163D8BE79A5", // VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3
        "7FD365A7C2DDECBBF03009F34339FA02AF333133", // VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
        "39A55D933676616E73A761DFA16A7E59CDE66FAD", // Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
        "5168FF90AF0207753CCCD9656462A212B859723B", //DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server C‎A 
        "B13EC36903F8BF4701D498261A0802EF63642BC3" //DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA

To sum up and save people digging through the comments, here the latest config:

app.UseTwitterAuthentication(new TwitterAuthenticationOptions
    ConsumerKey = "XXXX",
    ConsumerSecret = "XXXX",
    BackchannelCertificateValidator = new Microsoft.Owin.Security.CertificateSubjectKeyIdentifierValidator(new[]
        "A5EF0B11CEC04103A34A659048B21CE0572D7D47", // VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G2
        "0D445C165344C1827E1D20AB25F40163D8BE79A5", // VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3
        "7FD365A7C2DDECBBF03009F34339FA02AF333133", // VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
        "39A55D933676616E73A761DFA16A7E59CDE66FAD", // Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
        "‎add53f6680fe66e383cbac3e60922e3b4c412bed", // Symantec Class 3 EV SSL CA - G3
        "4eb6d578499b1ccf5f581ead56be3d9b6744a5e5", // VeriSign Class 3 Primary CA - G5
        "5168FF90AF0207753CCCD9656462A212B859723B", // DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server C‎A 
        "B13EC36903F8BF4701D498261A0802EF63642BC3" // DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA

All credits to @MichaelLake and @KennethIto.