What is a good alternative to webmin for dedicated server management? [closed]

I'm using an extra computer I have as a dedicated server, and I'm trying to figure out a few things. First of all, which distribution of linux would you recommend? I love ubuntu, but I'd like to see other thoughts (I know that CentOS is used a lot, as well as RedHat).

Anyway, what I really would like is a web based dedicated server manager. I didn't really love webmin, and I don't need something like ISPConfig or cPanel. What other programs do you recommend?

I need the server for web hosting mainly, but I might run some other stuff on it as well.

I won't try to sell you on Webmin (I'm one of the developers), but I will point out that for web hosting management, Virtualmin is the project you want...not Webmin by itself. Webmin is a general purpose systems management GUI, and does very little to make web hosting tasks easier or quicker. Virtualmin is built on top of Webmin and is intended for virtual hosting, and makes a lot of tedious tasks very simple. So, if you've looked at Webmin for virtual hosting management, but not Virtualmin, you were looking at the wrong project, and it shouldn't be at all surprising that it wasn't what you wanted.

You can get a good idea of options here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_hosting_control_panels

Ubuntu/Debian is great. So is CentOS. So is FreeBSD. Depends on your needs and experience. You can force yourself to learn something new by playing around, but if you are selling the hosting and need something stable, it is best to go with what you know.

For a server I can't recommend CentOS highly enough. It is a RedHat variant with a good community and documentation.

For the administration of the box, I would recommend that you learn how to admin the machine from the cli rather than a gui at first so that you can learn about the basics of the OS and so that you aren't learning new software and a new operating system at the same time.