A better word for "unanswered"

Solution 1:

How about unresolved?

unresolved (ˌʌnrɪˈzɒlvd)

  1. (of a problem or dispute) not having been solved or concluded

Solution 2:

Need answer ~ open.

I proffer-

  • New
  • Popular
  • Open - The adjective open describes something that's not closed or uncovered or unexplained. (vocabulary.com)

IMO- The Open tab will encompass all questions which are without answers/without any good answer.

Solution 3:

I nominate ongoing

as in Ongoing Questions.


There are a few words that communicate that there are no answers or that the answers haven't satisfied the problem. I like open and unresolved, but here is an argument for ongoing.

Open seems to be controversial and for good reason: the comparison to closed questions may give the wrong impression. All questions should be considered open if they can still be answered, etc. But it's a short word and would be great in a menu.

Unresolved gives the right impression regarding the status of the question but is longer. However, it might suggest a lower quality of interaction on the site (see next paragraph).

Ongoing is short. Also, in contrast to unresolved, it makes me think of ongoing discussion. Unresolved makes me think of someone pasting a homework question and waiting for an answer.

Definitions for ongoing give a positive, current feeling and include

  1. currently happening
  2. continuing; still in progress
  3. continuing without termination or interruption
  4. continually moving forward; developing
  5. proceeding; in process


  • Oxford English Dictionary (http://www.oed.com/)
  • Merriam-Webster (http://www.merriam-webster.com/)
  • term.ly (http://term.ly)