Which provides more mitigation -- Dodge or Armor? [closed]

Solution 1:

The usefulness of dodge is that it is only present on a single item - if you use dodge runes, you have a chance to dodge auto attacks, while other champions without dodge runes of their own (or without a ninja tabi) will not.

Dodge is an HP multiplier -- it works better when used with armor and health bonuses than when just used as a defensive stat alone. Ultimately, dodge works best (and is most noticeable) in the early game, both since there is no scaling dodge / level runes, and because at low levels, attack speeds are low enough that a single dodged attack is highly relevant. Armor retains a similar effectiveness throughout the game.

One last thing to consider is that some champions want to get hit, and so armor runes are a better choice on a per champion basis. Shen, for example, has a passive that triggers more often when he gets hit. Rammus too would rather take the armor (as it both directly feeds his passive and allows his taunt / defensive curl combo to deal more self-inflicted damage). Jax, on the otherhand, makes good use of dodging, and it might be worth it to take dodge runes on him.

Ultimately, I find armor to be a little bit better stat defensively, but you're much more likely to note a survival due to a lucky dodge than to static armor reduction.

Solution 2:

Dan Dinh covered the topic of Dodge rune versus Armor runes better than I could, in his Amumu guide:

A lot of people asked me why I get dodge seals on Amumu. At first, it seems counter intuitive because Amumu gets CDR on tantrum when he gets hit. I've done some theory crafting and the numbers shows that If you start your jungle with an armor piece, dodge runes and flat armor's break-even point for how much effective health it gives you is at level 4. Every level you get past level 4 dodge becomes increasingly powerful against basic attacks. It is this way because each extra armor you get makes the next point less effective, while dodge is flat all the way across until you hit the cap at 40%.

Here is the trade off to armor/dodge:

  • Armor is trivially better at lower.
  • Dodge is A LOT BETTER at higher levels.
  • Each percent of dodge literally gives you that much extra percent in effective health versus basic attacks
  • Each point of armor of makes the next point less effective.
  • Dodge doesn't work on towers
  • Dodge procs nimbleness which is good for ganking and running away.
  • You cannot dodge skills.
  • Dodge runes is effectively so much better than Armor once you've had 70 armor.

Solution 3:

Dodge will be cut by Riot Games soon.

Armor: The damage done to you = (Original Damage)/((100+Armor)/100)

The percentage of armor reduction: Armor/(100+Armor)

if your armor is 50, ArR=50/150=33.3%

if your armor is 300 (that's crazy), ArR=300/400=75%

That's why the higher your armor, the slower the growth of Armor Resistance Percentage.

Thus the percentage will never reach 100%.