Idiom for describing an unintended benefit

I am looking for an idiom to describe an unintended benefit that results due to an action taken.

Not an idiom, but a single word could be...


  1. something advantageous or valuable that is received or obtained as a benefit beyond what is due or expected. (

To cite an example, I'm reminded of a line of Charlie's from 2½ Men:

"Alan, he was happy to see his friends. Being away from you is just gravy." (=unintended benefit)

If the benefit is financial, you could also use...


an amount of money that somebody/something wins or receives unexpectedly (ODO)

EDIT: Like @Tim said, this can also be used metaphorically to refer to gains other than financial, but it doesn't quite convey the 'unintended' part.

If you're looking for an idiom, rather than a single word, consider:

pennies from heaven, a stroke of luck

But, again, these don't quite cover the 'unintended result of your own action'.

Happy Accident describes your intention:

a pleasant situation or event that is not planned or intended - We never planned to have a third child - it was a happy accident

Fortuitous is a somewhat looser fit

adjective 1. happening or produced by chance; accidental: a fortuitous encounter. 2. lucky; fortunate: a series of fortuitous events that advanced her career.

You could call it a side benefit.


Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way
