How can I delete a mail account in Thunderbird?

I missed one letter of my user name for my mail when add an account to Thunderbird. My mail is reachable in webmail with my browser, but is unreachable in Thunderbird.

How do I delete an email account in Thunderbird so that I can start again?

Solution 1:

  1. Go to menu: Edit, Account Settings...
  2. Select account name on the left
  3. Either make any changes here (on the right) or Remove Account from the drop-down menu opened by clicking the Account Actions button at the bottom left

Solution 2:

Go to Edit->Properties and select the Account. Then Click on Account Action at the left bottom of the current Window and delete your Account.

Solution 3:

Select Account and go to "View Settings for this account". Then click on "Account Actions" at the left bottom of the window and click "Remove Account".

Solution 4:

I found this process for removing an email account from Mozilla Thunderbird:

  1. Open Thunderbird
  2. Click on the account you wish to delete
  3. Look for "view settings for this account." and double click.
  4. Outside the box on the left which contains a menu of topics, click on "Account Actions".
  5. You should now see a list of actions, double click on "remove account.'
  6. Answer Yes to "Are you sure......."

It should be gone.