Is there a way to sync google contacts to your iPhone?

Solution 1:

Google actually uses the Microsoft Active Sync Protocol that essentially turns your GMail account into a Microsoft Exchange type of account.

Check out:

Solution 2:

You can do this easily with no additional software. Just follow the steps outlined here on Google's site. I use this to sync my Google Contacts and Calendar. It works very well!

Edit: Please note that this currently only works for Contacts and Calendar and does not sync your email. You will have to set up your email separately.

Solution 3:

Check out either Google Sync or NuevaSync, both work in a similar way to MobileMe, but using the Exchange ActiveSync protocol

Solution 4:

There's an option in iTunes to do this. It's where you set contacts, you can select Google contacts, and provide your login/password. This works fine on a PC, most likely Mac too.

It did throw in a ton of junk contacts for me too though; lots of one-off addresses that I used once showed up. Took a while to delete all that, but now it works great.