how to determine whether I have 64bit or 32 bit node executable installed?

On my windows pc I have nodejs installed. I would like to determine whether it is 64 bit or 32 bit. How can one determine that? I executed

node --help

but that does not seem to have any option to give me the desired information.

Solution 1:

Run this from the command line:

node -p "process.arch"

It will return 'arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips','mipsel', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 's390x', 'x32', or 'x64'.

Solution 2:

If node is installed and executable you can simply run

c:\> node -p "process"    

and you should see the content of the process variable formatted. There the keys arch and platform indicates your operating system. In the example below it's an Windows 7 x64

    title : 'Administrator: C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe - node  ',
    version : 'v0.10.36',
    moduleLoadList :
    [   'Binding evals',
        'Binding signal_wrap',
        'NativeModule string_decoder'],
    versions : {
        http_parser : '1.0',
        node : '0.10.36',
        v8 : '',
        ares : '1.9.0-DEV',
        uv : '0.10.30',
        zlib : '1.2.8',
        modules : '11',
        openssl : '1.0.1l'
    arch : 'x64',
    platform : 'win32',
    argv : ['node'],
    execArgv : [],
    env : {
        ALLUSERSPROFILE : 'C:\\ProgramData',
        HOMEDRIVE : 'C:',
        JAVA_HOME : 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_05',
        NODEJS : 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\',
        OS : 'Windows_NT',
        Path : 'C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;',
        PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER : 'Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel',
        PROCESSOR_LEVEL : '6',
        PROCESSOR_REVISION : '2a07',
        ProgramData : 'C:\\ProgramData',
        ProgramFiles : 'C:\\Program Files', 
        'ProgramFiles(x86)' : 'C:\\Program Files (x86)',
        ProgramW6432 : 'C:\\Program Files',
        PROMPT : '$P$G',
        PUBLIC : 'C:\\Users\\Public',
        PYTHON : 'C:\\Python34',
        SESSIONNAME : 'Console',
        SystemDrive : 'C:',
        SystemRoot : 'C:\\Windows',
        windir : 'C:\\Windows',
        windows_tracing_flags : '3'
    features : {
    config : {

Solution 3:

If it's on Windows OS, just go an old-school way.. by using Windows Task Manager.

Here is my attempt:-

Simply run node from command prompt.

C:\> node

This will put node into REPL mode (indicated by > symbol). Now open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) to see node.exe process details. Mine is on Windows 10 64-bit with node 32-bit installed. Make sure you enable 'Platform' column to see 32-bit/64-bit information.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

in mac

$ node
 > require('os').arch()

in windows

c:\> node
> require('os').arch()