MacVim: Re-map command key combinations like <d-f>

I can remap unused combinations like <d-1> (Cmd+1) in MacVim, but there are many combinations like <d-f>, <d-o> or <d-b> that are already bound to MacVim menu items. If I try to remap those inside my .vimrc, nothing changes.

Is there some way I can remap those combinations inside MacVim, or stop MacVim from assigning them to menu items so they are properly passed on to the Vim core?

Found it: Command-T recommends using the following snippet:

if has("gui_macvim")
  macmenu &File.New\ Tab key=<nop>
  map <D-t> :CommandT<CR>

So basically you unmap the respective menu item, and then you are free to map the shortcut you were trying to map. (I'm not sure what the ampersand is doing; it works with and without it.)

This must be put in ~/.gvimrc, not ~/.vimrc! (Apparently ~/.vimrc is read too early, so the (un)mappings will be clobbered if you put them there.)